Three Ways to Make Your Office Space Safer for Employees

As a business owner, it’s vital that you provide an office space that is safe for your employees. Below are some of the three best ways to keep your area safe and secure. 

1. Stagger Work-From-Home

One of the best ways to reduce the number of employees you have in the office at one time is to stagger the work-from-home schedule. With so many businesses moving to offer at least a flex schedule, it’s vital that everyone isn’t out of the office simultaneously so that you have coverage and you’re keeping the workplace safe physically. You can allow them to share offices and reduce the amount of personal items brought into the space, eliminating clutter. 

2. Keep Public Areas Clear

If you have a space where vendors and customers come to interact with your employees, you’ll want to keep that area clear of any boxes and storage build-up. These areas shouldn’t have too much furniture either, as that can pose a safety hazard. Having staff members keep the floor clean and clear of debris and spills will reduce any potential liabilities. They will have a safe place to interact with their customers and keep them out of the employee-only areas. 

3. Have Signs Posted

If you have boxes and containers stored in your office, then you need to ensure signs are posted in these areas. Alerting the staff in your office that there is excessive storage and items in a certain area can keep them safe and keep them from attempting to move or get by an area where they could be hurt. It’s also important to post signs where an area is meant for certain employees, like management so that you don’t have overcrowding and employees in situations that aren’t safe. 

If you’re looking for an insurance quote in the Green Valley, AZ, area, contact our team at the Insurance Center of Green Valley today. 

Is It Time To Compare Homeowner’s Insurance?

Many homeowners in the Green Valley area may feel getting home insurance is a “one-and-done” type of process. Some also think that once you have it, you have satisfied your obligations to your lender and don’t need to worry about it again.

That is not true and could even be dangerous and financially risky.

At the Insurance Center of Green Valley, we can help you monitor and keep your homeowner’s insurance adequate and up-to-date. Here are signs it may be time to review and update your home insurance.

You Notice Signs of Home Insurance Amnesia

Home insurance amnesia occurs when you’ve had your policy so long that you forget its limits, coverage, and perhaps even what you are paying. This is certainly a sign it is time for a review and price quote.

You Notice a Large Rate Increase

This is usually the most common time homeowners will reach out to compare.

The Value of Your Home Has Skyrocketed

What is your home worth now compared to when it was purchased? Many homes in the region have doubled or even tripled in value. Has your insurance kept up?

Have You Made Changes?

Have you made any significant improvements or added a pool, fence, or sunroom? Have you brought a dog into the family? These are all signals to get an insurance review and price quote on your home insurance.

You Are Unsure If You Are Paying Too Much

The only way to be sure you are not overpaying for home insurance is to compare. If it has been more than a year or two since you’ve shopped around, it’s time.

Contact Us to Compare Today

At the Insurance Center of Green Valley, AZ, we can help review your current coverage and ensure it is sufficient. We can also provide an updated quote so you know what you are paying for. There is no cost and no obligation, but it is up to you.

Contact the Insurance Center of Green Valley, AZ, today to get started.