3 Tips to Help You Avoid Auto Accidents

It doesn’t matter how long you have been driving or how many defensive driving classes you have taken, you can literally never be too safe when behind the wheel of a vehicle. That’s why the team of Insurance Center of Green Valley decided to share a few tips with Green Valley, AZ drivers that may help avoid auto accidents.

Keep Your Distance from Other Vehicles

When you follow too closely behind the vehicle directly in front of you, you are increasing the chances of a rear-end accident. In the event this happens, you will need to file an insurance claim with your insurer. By allowing yourself a couple of car links in between yourself and the vehicle in front of you, you will have ample time to stop should the driver suddenly hit their brakes.

Keep an Eye on Your Speed

When you are driving over the posted speed limit, it makes it harder to keep your vehicle under control while also contributing to a significant portion of car fatalities. In addition, it increases your chances of getting pulled over and receiving a traffic ticket. So, rather than speeding to your destination, slow down to keep everyone safe. Consider leaving a little bit earlier, if necessary.

Scan Your Surroundings

It is imperative that you don’t just pay attention to the road and what’s directly in front of you. You must be aware of all of your surroundings, as you never know when a deer may jump out from the woods on the side of the road or a vehicle may speed around you and make a quick improper turn.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on your blind spots and rear-view mirrors prior to switching lanes. In addition, when in a parking lot, watch for cars pulling out and not paying attention. If driving in a residential area, keep an eye out for small children playing.

Whether you need help ensuring you are properly insured or need help filing an auto insurance claim, reach out to the Insurance Center of Green Valley. Our team serves Green Valley, AZ and offers a variety of options that will suit your individual needs and budget.