Auto Insurance Steps You Need to Take After a Crash

Experiencing a car crash in Green Valley, AZ is scary and will put you in a potentially dangerous situation. Thankfully, we at Insurance Center of Green Valley can help you understand how to handle this process and minimize the risk of serious long-term financial issues.

Immediately After the Crash

Start by making sure everybody is okay and calling 911 right away. Then, if possible, you can move your vehicle out of the road but do not leave the scene. Next, talk to the other person involved in the crash and exchange insurance information. This exchange will be necessary later.

Collect the Right Information

Gather information like the names of the people in the accident, phone numbers, mailing addresses, email addresses, occupants, witnesses, etc. In addition, you need to take photos of the accident, the vehicles involved, and all other pertinent information. Doing so will help out with your insurance.

Report the Claim

Call your insurance company right away to report the claim. They’ll investigate the situation, including your vehicle, and schedule any necessary appointments. For example, they can set up and pay for repairs to your car or those of other drivers if you were liable in the crash.

Wait to Get Your Reimbursement

Your insurance company will keep you abreast of your repair process and do what they can to reimburse you. It should take a few weeks for your payments to fully process and apply to your account. Don’t hesitate to contact your agent if you’re not sure what is happening.

Take Care of Your Needs

If you get into a car accident and need help in Green Valley, AZ, contact us at Insurance Center of Green Valley to get help. We’ll do what we can to help process your claim quickly and minimize your issues. If you don’t have a policy with us, you can buy one before an accident to avoid problems.