Does Home Insurance Cover Mold Remediation?

Mold remediation involves the safe removal of mold from your home. Mold remediation can be costly, especially if you have a large amount of mold in your home. Here at the Insurance Center of Green Valley, providing residents in the greater Green Valley, AZ area with home insurance policies, our clients have asked if home insurance covers the costs associated with mold remediation. The answer to this question is not straightforward and can be complex. Read along to find out some general information about this topic. 

Does Home Insurance Cover Mold Remediation?

Your home insurance policy may cover mold remediation, or it may not cover mold remediation. The simplest way to determine if your policy may or may not cover the remediation is to determine why mold is growing in your home and to determine if your home insurance policy covers that reason. For example, if a pipe bursts in your home and the water damage leads to mold that needs to be removed, your policy will likely cover the mold remediation as your policy covers pipe issues. However, suppose heavy rains caused your basement to flood, which is why mold grew. In that case, your policy likely will not cover mold remediation, as flooding due to heavy rains is typically not covered under home insurance policies. 

Your home insurance may or may not cover mold remediation costs, depending on why mold is present in your home. If you are a resident of the greater Green Valley, AZ area and are in the market for a new home insurance policy, the team at the Insurance Center of Green Valley would love to help you find the right policy. Call us now to learn more about how we can help you.