Should I get full-coverage auto insurance for my twenty-year old car?

Auto insurance is a wise investment in most situations. However, in some situations, investing in full-coverage auto insurance may not be the savviest thing to do. At the Insurance Center of Green Valley, we take pride in helping Green Valley, AZ drivers get the insurance coverage that meets their specific needs.

What Does Full Coverage Auto Insurance Cover?

Many people opt to carry full coverage auto insurance on new or late-model cars. Sometimes, full coverage auto insurance is required by lenders if you have an auto loan. Full coverage insurance is a wise choice because the cost of coverage is far less than what it would cost to replace or repair your car if it was damaged. There are other factors as well that make full auto insurance coverage a wise investment.

Should I get Full-coverage Auto Insurance for My Twenty-year-old Car?

Full coverage auto insurance may not be the wisest investment as your car ages. How old is "too old" regarding full insurance coverage? Most would say that any car over ten years old doesn’t require full coverage auto insurance. At the ten-year mark, your yearly insurance cost makes up almost half the monetary value of older vehicles. Once your annual insurance cost exceeds the monetary value of your car, full coverage insurance is a cost-savvy investment. It may be time to drop your coverage level when it costs just as much to insure your car as it does to repair or replace it. If you have questions regarding how much coverage you need to insure your vehicle, call us. We’re standing by.