Three Most Destructive Pest Infestations

Pest infestations can take a toll on your home and can even affect your home’s overall value. To keep your home safe from pests, you need to know what to be on the lookout for. Here at the Insurance Center of Green Valley, we want to help homeowners in Green Valley, AZ, and the surrounding areas keep their homes in tip-top condition. Keep reading to learn more about the three most destructive types of pest infestations. 


It is probably no surprise that termites are top of our list. Termites are insects that feast on wood and burrow into the wooden structures of your home. When left unchecked, termites can devastate your home’s value and even your home’s safety. Wooden structures weakened through termites can crumble or fall, endangering you and your family members. 

Catching a termite infestation early is vital before the destruction has gotten too bad. If you suspect termites in your home, contact a pest expert immediately. 


Bees are surprisingly a destructive pest as well. Carpenter bees can burrow into wooden structures in your home and cause damage. They often attack porches, doorways, patios, decks, and outdoor wooden structures such as play sets or barns. This can create a safety risk as the weakened structures can fall. A pest control expert can help you get rid of carpenter bees quickly. 


Rodents are also a hazard to your home due to the fact that they will gnaw on critical things such as wood, wiring, and even insulation. Rodents also pose a health risk to you and your family as well. 

If you want to learn about our home insurance products, please contact us at the Insurance Center of Green Valley, serving Green Valley, AZ, and the surrounding areas.